Hamedorea: Growing and Care

20.11.2023 14:51
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Hamedorea elegans does best at 50% humidity.

Regularly moisten the bush with a spray bottle of settled water.

If you ignore spraying, the chamedorea will not die, but will become vulnerable to pest attacks.

Breeders recommend giving the palm tree a warm shower.

What kind of pot should be for chamedorea

Also, more moisture can be retained in a spacious container, and this in turn protects Hamedorea from drying out.


It is not recommended to immediately choose a pot that will be twice the size of the previous one.

The new pot should be only 20% larger.

What Hamedorea doesn't like

Hamedorea loves a lot of light, but direct sunlight is completely contraindicated for it.

The only place where Chamaedorea Elegans really shines is in front of a north-facing window.

If the leaves become lighter or yellow, the palm tree is receiving too much light.


Chamedorea can tolerate infrequent watering, but the plant still needs a lot of water in the summer.

In winter, it is enough to keep the soil slightly moist.

The plant should be watered and sprayed with well-settled water.

Hamedorea can grow for many years without replanting in one container and in poor soils.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of pot should be for chamedorea
  2. What Hamedorea doesn't like
  3. Watering