Hippeastrum: Growing and Care

03.12.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Hippeastrum feels comfortable on a sunny windowsill, but can easily tolerate partial shade; in the summer they can be transplanted into open ground.

What does the hippeastrum flower love

Indoor plants should be placed in the east or west of the apartment; on the south windowsill, the hippeastrum should be hidden from direct sunlight.

During the period of active growth and vigorous flowering of the plant, watering should be strong and plentiful, after the soil in the pot dries out.

Nevertheless, gradually, as the dormant period of the hippeastrum approaches, the amount of water needs to be reduced, and after all the leaves have died, it should be stopped completely.

What needs to be done for hippeastrum to bloom


Your plant will not bloom unless it has had a dormant period.

You need to stop feeding and watering, cut off the leaves and put the pot in a dark place for two months.

During the resting period, hippeastrum can survive a short-term drop in temperature of up to 6 degrees.

We place the pots in the pantry or basement, but not outside.

When to replant a hippeastrum flower

At the end of summer, the plant begins to prepare for rest.

Watering is reduced, fertilizing is stopped, and when the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out, the bulb is ready for a dormant period. At this time, the hippeastrum can be transplanted.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource