Houseplants: How to Grow Zamioculcas

28.08.2023 13:02
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Zamioculcas also grows well under fluorescent lighting, for which it is especially loved in offices and various institutions where there is little natural light.

What is needed for good growth of zamiokulkas

Zamioculcas love to grow where air circulates freely around the plant. 

In addition, without ventilation, they are often unpleasantly surprised by even slower growth, faded colors and lethargy.

You need to ventilate the rooms regularly, protecting the zamiokulkas from cold drafts and temperature changes.

Where should Zamioculcas grow

Like any tropical plant, Zamioculcas prefers bright diffused light; east and southeast windows are suitable for it. In summer, it is better to move it to the balcony.


Direct sunlight is unfavorable for the flower, therefore, if the window faces south, it is better to shade it with organza or nylon tulle.

What to do to make zamiokulkas give new shoots

Therefore, if the pot is unreasonably large, transplant the zamiokulkas into a tighter container, while not filling the tubers on top with too thick a layer of soil. 

As soon as the plant "gets used" there, it will immediately give new shoots. Moreover, believe me, this will happen much earlier than if you left the zamiokulkas in an old large pot.

Do I need to cut the yellowed leaves of zamiokulkas

Yellow and diseased leaves may appear during the summer months when Zamioculcas zamiifolia is actively growing, and such leaves should be pruned immediately. 

These parts of Zamioculcas zamiifolia cannot be restored, and pruning increases the ventilation of the plant and facilitates its growth.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is needed for good growth of zamiokulkas
  2. Where should Zamioculcas grow
  3. What to do to make zamiokulkas give new shoots
  4. Do I need to cut the yellowed leaves of zamiokulkas