Making warm garden beds: Gardening advice

26.09.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you want to grow plants that require warm temperatures to thrive, but you don't live in a perfectly suitable area, then you need a warm garden bed.

Luckily, it's not that hard to make one - you just need to do everything carefully and follow the instructions.

Here are a few tips on how to make a warm garden bed for your plants.

Choose a Sunny Spot

Pick a sunny location in your garden where your plants will get plenty of sunlight. This helps keep the soil warm.

Gather Materials

You'll need things like wooden boards, bricks, or concrete blocks to build the bed walls. You'll also need soil and compost.


Build the Bed

Create a rectangular or square shape with your chosen materials to make a raised bed. The walls should be about 12 inches high. 

This elevates your plants above the ground where it's warmer.

Add Good Soil

Fill the bed with a mix of good-quality garden soil and compost. This soil mixture is rich in nutrients and helps keep the bed warm.

Plant Heat-Loving Plants

Choose plants that like warmth, like tomatoes, peppers, or herbs. These do well in warm garden beds.


Spread a layer of mulch, like straw or leaves, on top of the soil. This helps to keep the soil warm by trapping heat.

Cover at Night

If it gets really cold at night, cover your plants with blankets or cloths to keep them warm. Remove the covers during the day to let them get sunlight.

Water Wisely

Water your plants in the morning so the soil can soak up the heat during the day. Avoid watering in the evening when it gets colder.


Follow these tips to make a perfect warm garden bed for your gentle plants. Your local climate won't stop you from growing what you want!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose a Sunny Spot
  2. Gather Materials
  3. Build the Bed
  4. Add Good Soil
  5. Plant Heat-Loving Plants
  6. Mulch
  7. Cover at Night
  8. Water Wisely
  9. Conclusion