Nymphaeum: Growing and Care

31.08.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Nymphaeums prefer stagnant water and if they are near a fountain, waterfall or splashed on them in your pond, it is likely that such water lilies will bloom very poorly.

Move the nymphs to a more peaceful place.

Shaded place and too cold water. Nymphs are considered light-loving plants.

What depth is needed for a nymph

The optimal depth for most nymphs is approximately 40 - 80 cm from the point of growth to the surface of the water. This condition will give you a faster formation of a single full-fledged plant and subsequently a good growth and flowering of the water lily.

How Nymphea breeds

In nature, nymphs reproduce quite simply. The horizontal rhizomes of the nymphaeum produce side shoots, which then branch out.


Leaves come out of the rhizome, rolled into tubules, which open on the surface of the water.

How to save the Nymphaeum in winter

The nymphs must be cleaned of leaves, leaving only the smallest ones, put the pot with the nymph in a container of water (so that the water completely covers the rhizome of the nymph) and put it in the basement.

The optimum temperature in the basement should be around 3-6 degrees (this is close to the temperature of the water under the ice).

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What depth is needed for a nymph
  2. How Nymphea breeds
  3. How to save the Nymphaeum in winter