Supporting your plants: Gardening tips

28.11.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Plants are carefully selected to produce lots of fruits, and sometimes they become so tall and heavy that they can't support their weight.

To fix that problem, gardeners use different types of support that can help their plants to stay up.

Here is how you can do that.

Choose the Right Support

Imagine picking the perfect-sized backpack. Just like that, choose a support that matches your plant's size and weight. 

Tall plants might need stakes, while bushy ones might benefit from cages.


Plant Placement

Picture finding the right spot for your favorite chair. Plant your green friends where they get enough sunlight. 

Some plants like a lot, while others prefer a bit less. Check the care instructions to know their sunlight preferences.

Water Wisely

Think of it as giving your plant a refreshing drink. Water your plants regularly, but don't drown them! 

Stick your finger in the soil; if it's dry, it's time to water. If it's still a bit damp, hold off for a bit.

Pruning with Care

Imagine giving your plant a little haircut. Trim away dead or overgrown parts. 

It's like tidying up the plant's hair so it can focus on growing strong and healthy.

Tie Them Gently

Picture tying a bow around a gift. If your plant needs extra support, use soft ties. 

It's like giving your plant a hug without squeezing too tight. Tie the stems gently to stakes for a little extra help.

Fertilize with Love

Imagine your plant having a hearty meal. Feed your plants with fertilizer, but not too much! 

It's like giving them a balanced diet. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packet to keep them strong and happy.

Supporting Blooms

Imagine helping your friend carry a heavy bag. Some plants have big, beautiful blooms that might need extra support. 

Use stakes or rings to prop them up. It's like giving your plant a helping hand to show off its stunning flowers.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose the Right Support
  2. Plant Placement
  3. Water Wisely
  4. Pruning with Care
  5. Tie Them Gently
  6. Fertilize with Love
  7. Supporting Blooms