Unusual Garden Plants: How to Grow Japanese Andromeda

12.07.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Japanese Andromeda is a flowering shrub of the Heather family. The plant will become a real decoration for your garden.

Japanese Andromeda: soil and fertilizer

This plant, like the vast majority of heathers, grows only on acidic (pH = 3.5-4.5), air- and moisture-permeable soil. High-moor peat, or acidic soil purchased at a garden store, is great for such soil.

If the soil for planting is open, then the hole should not be dug high, because the roots of the plant are not deep, but the hole should be wider around the perimeter.

Feed Japanese Andromeda with a fertilizer designed for acid-loving shrubs.

Before planting the plant itself, the hole must be filled with high-moor peat.

Photo: Pixabay

How to water Japanese Andromeda

Usually, about 3 liters of water is enough for this for a young plant and about a bucket of water for an adult, 2-3 times a week. During flowering, the amount of watering can be increased, and during heat and drought, the shrub must be sprayed.

How to propagate Japanese Andromeda

Japanese Andromeda reproduces quite simply. Young shrubs are afraid of frost and the first spring sun. Propagation is possible from seeds or cuttings. The seeds are placed in special containers, and the cuttings are transplanted in August, cutting off the top of the shrub.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Japanese Andromeda: soil and fertilizer
  2. How to water Japanese Andromeda
  3. How to propagate Japanese Andromeda