What is the difference between French and English varieties of lavender: what summer residents should know

19.05.2024 15:08

Lavender is a beautiful, fragrant plant that can be grown both at home and in open ground.

There are different varieties of lavender.

What is the difference between French and English lavender

English lavender is a narrow-leaved, perennial, unpretentious plant.

The flower blooms extremely beautifully and has a very bright and pleasant aroma.

This type of lavender is often used in floristry, medicine, and also in cosmetology.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The plant can be ordinary - up to 80 cm in height and dwarf - up to 30 cm.

French lavender is a broad-leaved plant that is distinguished by its unusually beautiful lilac flowers.

This flower blooms earlier than other types of lavender - in April or May.

French lavender continues to bloom until July, and at the end of summer a second phase of flowering may occur.

How to care for lavender outdoors

Lavender must be watered abundantly and mulched thoroughly.

The plant does not tolerate waterlogging, so the bushes should be watered often with small portions of water.

The soil is loosened, weeds are removed and mulched.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is the difference between French and English lavender
  2. How to care for lavender outdoors