3 things in the house that smart housewives get rid of every 2 weeks

08.04.2022 16:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 21:18

During the general cleaning of the house, be sure to throw away these 3 things.

Most often, housewives store these things, and they only accumulate dust, bacteria and fill our living space.

Dishwashing sponges

In every kitchen you can see sponges for washing dishes "who have seen life."

For some reason, housewives keep such penny things for cleaning for months.

First, they wash the dishes with a new sponge, and then they find another use for it in everyday life.

Foto: Pixabay

After 2 weeks, sponges cannot be used, they become terribly dirty, accumulate fat and food particles in the foam rubber.

Empty jars and bottles

Every 2 weeks, inspect your home for empty jars of cosmetics, washing gels, perfumes.

No need to wait that someday an empty jar will come in handy.

The product is over and the container needs to be disposed of, it's just rubbish.


Dig into your purse, your pockets, your wallet.

Throw out all the unnecessary papers that you find out of the house.

The flyers that were handed to you on the street, checks from supermarkets - everything that has accumulated in 2 weeks needs to be thrown away, you will never need it.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Dishwashing sponges
  2. Empty jars and bottles
  3. Checks