4 lifehacks to make your flat smell as a luxurious boutique

15.03.2022 19:12
Updated: 08.04.2023 15:27

If you want your flat smell good, take into account these easy lifehacks.

Citrus fruits smell

Oranges fill your kitchen with a smell of freshness.

Use a metal sponge to wash oranges or mandarins, so wash away a crisp layer. Put your fluits into a basket and leave it on the table. The smell of citrus fruits will spread over your kitchen.

Trash can

A trash can usually smells badly.

If you want to remove an unpleasant smell of a trash can, poor some essential oil into the can.

Foto: Pixabay

You may also poor some soda into the thash can. Soda helps to remove bad smell.

How to fresh rooms

You can buy aromadiffusers and put them in each corner of the room - they spread good smell throughout a large space.

Another way to solve the problem is spraying perfume on lamps. While heating, lamps fill all the apartment with a good smell.

Wardrobe smell

If you feel a smell of mustiness in your wardrobe, put a few pieces of fresh soap on the shelves. This method is also effective to avoid mole in the flat.

You can hang a fabric sack with some soda on the wardrobe door. Then spay your favourite perfume on it. You may also use essential oils.

Soda perfectly helps to avoid unpleasant smell. 

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editorial office

  1. Citrus fruits smell
  2. Trash can
  3. How to fresh rooms
  4. Wardrobe smell