Many housewives try to find methods to clean windows quickly and effectively.
They want to get rid of dust and dirt for a long period of time.
We know such a method and it's easy. You should make a special mixture with simple ingredients.
Pour 5-6 liters of water into a bucket. Add 1/2 of a big spoon of cleanser for utensils and 1-1,5 of a tablespoon of vinegar essence.
Mix well and clean windows with a towel wet in the mixture. Then absorb moisture with a dry towel.
Try to make another home cleanser for cleaning the floor. Add the floor cleanser bought in a shop into 7-8 litres of water.
You can also use a cleanser for utensils. Then add 25 grams of glycerine into the water.
Mix the components well and start cleaning the floor. The mixture makes the floor shine and leaves no sticky trace.
If you use this mixture for each cleaning, the effect would be better and longer.