How mercury retrograde will affect zodiac signs according to astrologers

06.08.2024 10:00

Mercury Retrograde will affect some zodiac signs.


This period might bring back old job opportunities, so it's a good idea to revisit and double-check all your work documents. 

In matters of love, singles might reconnect with past dates, while those in relationships should focus on open communication to avoid misunderstandings and quarrels.

Stay calm and be mindful of your feelings.


You may find yourself feeling more sensitive and intuitive during this time. 

Photo: © Belnovosti

Meditation could be beneficial in helping you delve deeper into your thoughts and emotions. 

Remember, any confusion or uncertainty you experience is temporary and will pass.

If you are experiencing severe anxiety, try to walk in the fresh air more often or engage in sports or any physical activity.


This period may prompt you to reflect on your beliefs and worldview.

You might think about the places you've visited or consider changing your life philosophy. 

Any confusion regarding significant life issues is only temporary and will soon clear up.

This period will be difficult, but useful for your spiritual growth.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Aries    
  2. Virgo
  3. Sagittarius