Just once you pour tomatoes like that, and tomato bushes will fill the beds in 90% of cases

20.04.2022 23:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 23:58

Proper watering can significantly increase the yield of tomatoes.

However, we are not talking about a simple replenishment of the lack of fluid in the garden, but about feeding the plant.

In other words, the main importance will not be the water itself, but the means added to it.

Sometimes it is enough to use the simplest components, and the number of fruits formed surprises even experienced gardeners.

You will need to add ordinary iodine to the water, and then feed the tomatoes with the resulting remedy.

Foto: Pixabay

You can use this liquid only once. But the result will be even better if you perform the procedure three times throughout the season.


For the first time, this can be done even during the growing of seedlings. When preparing the solution, the following ratio must be observed: 3 drops of iodine per 5 liters of liquid.

Watering should be carried out using a syringe. Otherwise, you can harm the root system.

Basic and mandatory watering

The next feeding is carried out after transplanting tomatoes into the open ground. In this case, the solution should be slightly more concentrated: 4-5 drops of the product per 5 liters of water.

It is impossible to overdo it with the prepared mixture: for each bed - a maximum of 1 liter of solution.

Final watering

For a potential third watering, even more iodine will be needed - 30 drops per bucket of water. In the same container, you will need to send 10 grams of boric acid and a couple of kilos of unburned wood residues.

However, the resulting mixture cannot be used in concentrated form. It will need to be diluted 5 times with water.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Pre-watering
  2. Basic and mandatory watering
  3. Final watering