Bedroom Feng Shui: Tips that you don't have to follow

10.09.2023 20:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Feng Shui used to be extremely popular in interior design, so lots of people still follow its main rules when creating their layouts.

Meanwhile, some people can't apply these rules for their houses, or they simply dont' like them enough to use.

Here are a few tips on whether you should apply Feng Shui when creating your bedroom layout.

Importance of Feng Shui

Feng Shui suggests that the way you arrange your bedroom can affect your well-being and sleep quality. It focuses on things like the position of your bed, the colors you use, and the clutter in your room.

It's your personal choice

Whether you follow Feng Shui in your bedroom is up to you. Some people find it helps them feel more relaxed and sleep better, while others don't pay much attention to it.

feng shui

You can use key principles

If you want to use Feng Shui in your bedroom, some key principles include placing your bed so you can see the bedroom door, keeping your bedroom clutter-free, and using soothing colors.

Common sense is vital

Even if you don't follow Feng Shui, some common-sense tips for a good bedroom layout include keeping your room clean and organized, choosing comfortable furniture, and arranging things so they make you feel calm and comfortable.


In summary, Feng Shui can be important for some people when arranging their bedroom, as it's believed to affect their well-being. 

However, it's a personal choice, and you can still create a comfortable and relaxing bedroom without strictly following Feng Shui principles.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Importance of Feng Shui
  2. It's your personal choice
  3. You can use key principles
  4. Common sense is vital
  5. Conclusion