Home decorations that are impractical for people with pets: Don't make your life harder

12.06.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

While some interior design decorations look incredible, they can make your life way harder in case you have pets.

Cats and dogs often like playing with things around them, or they can accidentally break something while running.

Here are a few examples of these things.

Fragile and Delicate Decor

These delicate decorations can pose a safety hazard if they shatter, potentially causing injuries to pets or even leading to ingestion of small pieces. 

Low-Hanging or Dangling Decorations

Decorations that hang low or have dangling elements, such as long curtains with tassels, dangling cords, or beaded decorations, may attract the attention of pets. 


Small Decorative Objects

Small decorative objects like decorative marbles, small beads, or decorative stones can present choking hazards if pets accidentally swallow them. 

Toxic Plants

Some common indoor plants, such as lilies, azaleas, or poinsettias, can be toxic to pets if ingested. 

Loose or Fringe Textiles

Decorative items with loose threads, fringe, or tassels, like certain pillows, throws, or rugs, can be tempting for pets to play with or chew on. 

Unstable Furniture or Decorative Structures

Unstable furniture, freestanding shelves, or decorative structures that are not securely anchored can pose a risk if pets climb or jump on them. 

Scented Candles or Potpourri

Some scented candles, potpourri, or essential oils can be toxic to pets if ingested or if they come into contact with their skin. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Fragile and Delicate Decor
  2. Low-Hanging or Dangling Decorations
  3. Small Decorative Objects
  4. Toxic Plants
  5. Loose or Fringe Textiles
  6. Unstable Furniture or Decorative Structures
  7. Scented Candles or Potpourri