Interior tips: A small workplace for a remote worker – how to make it?

26.12.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you tend to work remotely, then you need a convenient workplace to do it comfortably.

It's quite easy to create one when you have enough space for it, but what if you don't?

Here are some tips on how to create a small work place for your remote work.

Find a dedicated area

Choose a specific spot in your home where the remote worker can set up their workspace. 

It should be a quiet area with minimal distractions.


Comfortable seating

Provide a comfortable chair that supports good posture. 

It should have proper back support and be adjustable if possible.

Desk or table

Set up a sturdy desk or table that is large enough to accommodate a computer or laptop, along with any necessary documents or equipment.

Good lighting

Ensure the workspace has adequate lighting. 

Natural light is ideal, but if that's not possible, use a combination of ambient and task lighting to reduce eye strain.

Internet connection

Make sure the remote worker has a reliable internet connection in their workspace. 

This is crucial for their productivity and communication.

Organizational tools

Provide storage solutions like shelves, drawers, or file cabinets to help keep the workspace organized and clutter-free.


Encourage the remote worker to set up their workstation ergonomically. 

This includes positioning their monitor at eye level, placing the keyboard and mouse within easy reach, and maintaining proper posture.

Noise control

If there are noise distractions, consider using noise-canceling headphones or providing a white noise machine to create a more focused work environment.


Allow the remote worker to personalize their workspace with items that inspire or motivate them, such as photos, plants, or artwork.

Recently, we talked about tasteless wall art.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Find a dedicated area
  2. Comfortable seating
  3. Desk or table
  4. Good lighting
  5. Internet connection
  6. Organizational tools
  7. Ergonomics
  8. Noise control
  9. Personalization