Long and narrow bedroom: Interior tips

09.11.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

You can't always choose a perfect place for a bedroom - house remodeling takes so much time and money, so it's often easier to work with what you have.

If your room is too long and narrow, then it might be hard to create a comfortable bedroom there - but it's not impossible!

Here are some things you should try.

Furniture Placement

Optimize your furniture arrangement by placing the bed along one of the shorter walls. 

This helps to create a sense of balance and makes the room appear wider. 


Avoid placing the bed lengthwise along the longer walls, as it can accentuate the narrowness of the room.


Use proper lighting to make the room feel cozy and inviting. 

Incorporate a combination of ambient lighting, such as overhead or wall-mounted fixtures, and task lighting, like bedside lamps. 


Hang mirrors strategically to create an illusion of a larger space. 

Placing a large mirror on one of the longer walls can visually expand the room and reflect light, making it feel more open. 

Additionally, mirrors can add a decorative element to your bedroom.

Minimalist Decor

Opt for a minimalist approach to decor to avoid cluttering the space. 

Choose a few key pieces of furniture and select a neutral color scheme to create a clean and calming environment. 

Use simple and unobtrusive decorations to maintain a sense of openness in the room.

Window Treatments

Choose light and airy window treatments to allow natural light into the room. Avoid heavy or dark curtains that can make the space feel smaller. 

Sheer curtains or blinds can provide privacy while still maintaining a sense of openness.

Visual Dividers

If you have a long room, you can create visual divisions to make it feel cozier. 

You can use room dividers, such as folding screens or tall plants, to separate the sleeping area from other functional zones, like a study or seating area.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Furniture Placement
  2. Lighting
  3. Mirrors
  4. Minimalist Decor
  5. Window Treatments
  6. Visual Dividers