Cleaning vinegar and white vinegar: Housekeeping insights

21.09.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Lots of housekeeping tips include vinegar - but which one should you choose?

When choosing between cleaning vinegar and white vinegar, you should understand the main differences between them clearly.

Here are a few things that show that these two vinegars aren't the same.


Cleaning vinegar is a bit stronger than white vinegar. It has a higher level of acetic acid, which makes it more effective for cleaning.


Cleaning vinegar usually has a less strong smell than white vinegar. So, it might be more pleasant to use if you don't like the strong vinegar smell.



White vinegar is usually cheaper and easier to find in most stores, while cleaning vinegar might be a bit more expensive and less common.


Both types can clean many things around the house, like countertops and windows. 

But because cleaning vinegar is stronger, it might work better on tough stains and grime.


Cleaning vinegar can be harsher on certain surfaces, so you should be careful when using it on delicate things like marble or granite. 

White vinegar is safer for these surfaces.


In most cases, white vinegar is a mild and soft cleaning solution, and cleaning vinegar is a more radical solution for situations that need more strength.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Strength
  2. Odor
  3. Price
  4. Use
  5. Safety
  6. Conclusion