How to get rid of dust in cushioned furniture: It's not that hard

25.06.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Cushioned furniture can collect lots of dust and release it when you sit or touch it.

If you're prone to allergies, or just want to make sure your house is as clean as it could be, then you need to get rid of that dust.

Here is how you can do that without damaging your furniture.

Vacuum regularly

Use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to remove loose dust and debris from the surface of your cushioned furniture. 

Beat or shake the cushions

Take the cushions outside and give them a good shake to dislodge any trapped dust. 


You can also use a clean broom or a tennis racket to gently beat the cushions to loosen the dust. 

Brush with a soft brush

Use a soft-bristled brush, such as a clean paintbrush or a clothes brush, to gently brush the fabric of your cushioned furniture. 

Use a lint roller or tape

If there are stubborn dust particles on the fabric, you can use a lint roller or wrap some sticky tape around your hand, sticky side out, and gently press it onto the fabric to pick up the dust. 

Spot clean with a fabric cleaner

If there are stains or spills on your cushioned furniture, follow the manufacturer's instructions and spot clean the affected areas using a fabric cleaner. 

Professional cleaning

If your cushioned furniture requires a deeper clean or if it has accumulated a significant amount of dirt and dust over time, you may consider hiring a professional upholstery cleaning service. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Vacuum regularly
  2. Beat or shake the cushions
  3. Brush with a soft brush
  4. Use a lint roller or tape
  5. Spot clean with a fabric cleaner
  6. Professional cleaning