Why some cleaning detergents are better than others: Choosing effective and safe ones

04.08.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

While choosing the best cleaning detergents, it's important to look for safe but effective options.

The effectiveness of cleaning detergents depends on several factors that contribute to their cleaning power. 

Here are some reasons why some cleaning detergents work better than others.

Ingredients and Formulation

Cleaning detergents are formulated with specific active ingredients that target different types of dirt, grease, stains, and grime. 

High-quality detergents often contain a combination of surfactants, enzymes, solvents, and other cleaning agents tailored to tackle specific cleaning tasks effectively.

handwash bottles


The concentration of active ingredients in the detergent plays a significant role in its cleaning performance. 

Detergents with higher concentrations of active agents tend to be more potent and efficient at removing dirt and stains.


Surfactants are compounds that reduce the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate and lift away dirt and oils from surfaces. 

Detergents with effective surfactants can break down and suspend dirt particles, improving the overall cleaning performance.


Some detergents contain enzymes that can break down and digest organic stains, such as protein-based stains (e.g., blood, food, grass). 

They enhance the detergent's ability to target specific types of stains.

Eco-friendly Formulations

Environmentally friendly detergents can be as effective as conventional ones while being less harmful to the environment. 

Some modern eco-friendly detergents are designed to have a reduced environmental impact without compromising cleaning performance.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Ingredients and Formulation
  2. Concentration
  3. Surfactants
  4. Enzymes
  5. Eco-friendly Formulations