You probably sharpen your knives wrong: Popular knives sharpening mistakes

16.06.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

If you don't sharpen your knives regularly, you can make your cooking more annoying, or even potentially dangerous.

But even sharpening them regularly won't help unless you do it properly.

Here are some popular mistakes that damage your knives or make them not sharp enough.

Using the wrong sharpening angle

Different knives have different bevel angles, and it's essential to match the original angle when sharpening. 

Applying too much pressure

Applying excessive pressure while sharpening can lead to uneven sharpening or even damage the blade. 

kitchen knives

Neglecting to properly prepare the blade

Before sharpening, it's crucial to clean the blade and remove any debris or residue. 

Failing to do so can affect the sharpening process and yield subpar results. 

Using worn-out or incorrect sharpening tools

Using the wrong tool or a worn-out one can result in ineffective sharpening or even damage to the blade.

Overlooking the importance of honing

Honing is necessary to straighten and align the blade, improving its cutting performance. 

Neglecting honing can result in a quickly diminishing sharpness. 

Inconsistent sharpening strokes

Using uneven or inconsistent strokes can lead to an uneven edge. 

Rushing the sharpening process

Patience is crucial when sharpening knives. 

Rushing through the process can result in poor sharpening results. 

Take your time, focus on each stroke, and ensure you achieve the desired sharpness before moving on.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Using the wrong sharpening angle
  2. Applying too much pressure
  3. Neglecting to properly prepare the blade
  4. Using worn-out or incorrect sharpening tools
  5. Overlooking the importance of honing
  6. Inconsistent sharpening strokes
  7. Rushing the sharpening process