Balanced diet makes you live longer: A study on youth and dieting

27.09.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

It's easy to remember that healthy food means healthy life, but not everyone actually understands how much healthy food actually affects your life.

A new experiment shows that balanced dieting can significantly affect your health and also make you live longer.

Let's find out more about it.

Eating better means living longer

Eating a balanced diet with moderate protein levels can contribute to better health and a longer life, according to a study led by researchers at Japan's Waseda University. 

The study involved feeding mice diets with varying protein amounts and found that moderate-protein diets (around 25% to 35%) led to better metabolic health in both young and middle-aged mice.

healthy food

But why?

A low-protein diet caused mild fatty liver development and increased liver fat levels in middle-aged mice. 

In contrast, the moderate-protein diet resulted in lower blood sugar and improved lipid levels in the liver and blood. 

The study also examined amino acid changes in the blood and their connection to liver health, shedding light on how dietary protein affects metabolic health.

Why it's vital

The findings suggest that the right balance of macronutrients, like protein, at different life stages may extend health span. 

This research underscores the importance of understanding dietary needs across various life stages for optimal health and longevity.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Eating better means living longer
  2. But why?
  3. Why it's vital