Cooking hack: How to Choose the Right White Wine for Cooking

18.04.2023 12:26
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

White wine is a good flavor enhancer for dishes. However, you need to be able to choose wine specifically for cooking.

How wine works in cooking

Before choosing a wine for cooking, it is important to know what happens to it during cooking.

When you add white wine to a pan or a pan, it changes.

First, the alcohol is evaporated, which means that dishes with the addition of wine convey only flavor and are suitable for all people.

Evaporated wine emphasizes the flavors and aromas of the dish, but does not interrupt them.

Photo: Pixabay

What to look for when choosing wine for cooking

When choosing wine for cooking, drop all your ideas.

However, do not choose too cheap wines and bottles marked "Cooking Wine".

Poor quality drink will ruin your dinner dish.

You can also use leftover wine from dinner for cooking.

Wine has a short shelf life and cooking is a great way to avoid pouring the drink down the drain.

How to choose white wine for cooking

Choose fresh white dry wine.

For example: sauvignon blanc.

A wine that is lighter in aroma will accentuate the flavor of your dish without overpowering it.

Avoid too strong and bright wines.

As the wine has a shelf life of 48 hours after opening, choose an inexpensive drink.

White wine can be added to many dishes:

  • Risotto;
  • Pasta;
  • Paella;
  • Fish.

In addition, dry white wine is used for making sauces, broths and desserts.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How wine works in cooking
  2. What to look for when choosing wine for cooking
  3. How to choose white wine for cooking