Nutritionist Explanation: What is Spirulina

06.10.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Spirulina is a blue-green microscopic algae of the cyanobacteria group with unique beneficial properties for the human body.

Why should you drink spirulina

Blue-green microalgae serve as a source of an impressive number of microelements necessary for the daily functioning of the body.

Spirulina normalizes the functioning of organ systems, increases resistance to diseases and stress, accelerates wound healing, prolongs youth and increases life expectancy.

Spirulina cleanses the body of toxins, removing harmful substances.

The algae helps bring blood pressure levels back to normal and improve blood properties.


It is often recommended as a dietary supplement for vegetarians to prevent anemia.

Spirulina treatment may be indicated for heart disease, arthritis and other diseases.

Spirulina can be purchased in tablet or powder form. The main advantage of the powder is a higher concentration of biologically active substances.

Who should not take spirulina

Both Spirulina and Chlorella are contraindicated for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Both supplements are taken in a course of 1 month, which is repeated 3-4 times a year.

Take capsules and tablets after meals. The difference between additives is the frequency of use.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why should you drink spirulina
  2. Who should not take spirulina