Saffron: What is It and Why is so Expensive

10.04.2023 13:25
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Saffron is sometimes referred to as red gold, because it is the most expensive spice in the world. The price for 1 gram of spice can vary from 10 to 20 dollars. What is saffron and why is it so expensive?

What is saffron

Saffron is not only a spice, but also a natural food coloring. Color adds vibrant colors to popular dishes: paella, risotto, bouillabaisse.

Saffron is extracted from the stigma of the iris crocus flower with purple petals.

Crimson red stigmas are hand-picked and dried.

Southeast Asian countries are the leading spice producers

Photo: Pixabay

Why is saffron so expensive

Saffron is so expensive because of the labor-intensive harvest.

One crocus flower gives only 3 red threads. Therefore, a 1 ounce crop may require thousands of flowers.

In addition, the threads themselves are very fragile and require special care. Saffron is harvested only early in the morning so that the sun does not harm the red threads.

For a full day, a person can collect no more than 1 gram of saffron.

In addition, saffron blooms only 2-3 weeks a year.

How to use saffron

Despite the high price, very little spice is enough for cooking.

Saffron is added to give rich flavor and color to dishes.

The aroma of saffron is honey sweetness with hints of fresh hay.

The spice goes well with rice, chicken, seafood and lamb.

In addition, saffron is used in the preparation of desserts, pastries, ice cream.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is saffron
  2. Why is saffron so expensive
  3. How to use saffron