What is better to drink - green tea or coffee: beneficial properties and unusual recipes

23.04.2024 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Coffee and green tea are some of the most popular breakfast drinks.

In this article, we will tell you which drink is healthier.

Which is healthier to drink: coffee or green tea

Green tea contains 3 times less caffeine than coffee. Therefore, the drink is well suited for those who do not tolerate large amounts of caffeine.

However, caffeine helps to perk up in the morning, reduce fatigue, and improve concentration.

Coffee is also good for heart health.


Premature mortality in those who drink coffee at least once a day is 25% lower than in those who do not.

Tea caffeine works slowly and gently, keeps the body in good shape and improves cognitive function.

However, if you are very tired and haven’t gotten enough sleep, and the power of tea is not enough, a cup of coffee will come to the rescue.

Is it possible to replace coffee with green tea

Instead of coffee, you can drink green tea.

However, in order for the drink to have a stimulating effect and provide a feeling of vigor, it must be prepared correctly.

In order for green tea to invigorate you, the drink must be brewed correctly and steeped for a long time before drinking.

Previously, we told you how much butter you can eat per day.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Which is healthier to drink: coffee or green tea
  2. Is it possible to replace coffee with green tea