

Fruit trees can grow on your territory, but have huge branches that sometimes reach your neighbor's territory. While sometimes it's not a problem, it can sometimes cause discomfort to your neighbor and lead to arguments.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips fruit trees neighbors Garden 27 December 2023

When your land is hilly, then it's usually better to level it before planting something - but what if you can't? Sometimes your garden is too old, or you just can't afford it. But it doesn't mean that you can't plant anything there!

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips Garden 6 November 2023
cactus watering

If you happened to have land with specific relief, then it might be harder for you to water your garden effectively. Water can go down without actually watering the roots of many plants - so it can cause lots of troubles.

Kate Yakimchuk watering irrigation gardening Garden 31 October 2023

It often seems that hilly land isn't suitable for gardening, because it's harder to make garden beds and efficient drainage there. Meanwhile, it's totally possible - you just need to do everything gradually and thoughtfully.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening Garden 19 October 2023