

When cleaning or taking care of your clothes, it's not enough to remember all the nuances – drying them also means a lot. By drying your favorite items incorrectly, you can cause lots of damage and ruin them.

Kate Yakimchuk clothing care drying mistakes clothes Helpful tips 29 January 2024

If you have a big family, or just don't like doing laundry too often, then you probably wash lots of clothes at once. It's easy to wash them in a washing machine, but it's not always easy to airdry them all at once.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes drying tips Helpful tips 24 November 2023

Air-drying is the easiest way to dry your clothes, but sometimes it's too cold or humid for this method to work well. In that case, you have to find other ways to make your clothes dry without destroying them.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes drying tips Helpful tips 2 November 2023

It's quite easy to dry wet clothes when it's warm or even hot inside, but what if your house is cold? It can be quite problematic to quickly dry your clothes, so it's time to be creative.

Kate Yakimchuk drying clothes Helpful tips 2 November 2023

In most cases, using heaters for air drying your clothes is a bad idea, but it's mostly about electric heaters and delicate fabrics. If you are sure that your heater is safe for air drying, then you can use it - and it can even be quite beneficial.

Kate Yakimchuk drying tips Helpful tips 25 October 2023

Most labels want you to turn out your clothes before washing them, but plenty of people simply forget to do it regularly. In fact, this habit can be quite beneficial, because it can actually make your clothes last longer.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes tips washing Helpful tips 17 October 2023

While some people are afraid of accidentally shrinking their clothes, others do it purposefully - but why? Actually, it can be pretty beneficial in some situations - you just need to do it carefully to achieve your goals.

Kate Yakimchuk wool washing tips Helpful tips 27 September 2023

If you want your clothes to stay nice and pretty for years, then you should take good care for them - and laundry is extremely important. To wash your clothes delicately, you need to avoid some mistakes that can make your favorite jeans and sweaters fade and tear.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes tips Helpful tips 26 September 2023

Lots of people don't use fabric conditioners - they find them not that useful or effective, or sometimes simply too expensive to use all the time. Meanwhile, sometimes you actually need a good fabric conditioner - and you can see the signs that you need it.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes tips Helpful tips 26 September 2023
a woman in a sweater

Old sweat can be extremely hard to get rid of - and it's especially frustrating when your favorite clothes smell awfully. While it's not hard, it's not impossible - you can make your clothes smell nice once again.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes sweat smell Helpful tips 25 September 2023
baking soda

You don't always need lots of cleaning solutions to maintain your house and items clean - simple things like baking soda are effective too! You can find it in basically any house, and it's not only for cooking - it has many amazing features that can help your housekeeping a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips Helpful tips 22 September 2023

Laundry is one of the most unpleasant parts of the housekeeping, but you have to do it regularly - to have clean items to wear, and to get rid of smell. Piles of dirty clothes don't look great, so you need a nice place to keep your laundry before washing everything.

Kate Yakimchuk storage clothes tips Helpful tips 20 September 2023

Have you ever forgotten your freshly-washed clothes in a washing machine for a while? Forgetting washed clothes in a washing machine can have several negative consequences, both for your clothes and the washing machine itself. 

Kate Yakimchuk washing clothes mistakes Helpful tips 2 September 2023
laundry line

Doing laundry regularly or globally depends on factors such as convenience, sustainability, hygiene, and your personal circumstances.  Here's a breakdown of each approach.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning clothes tips Helpful tips 26 August 2023
laundry basket

Housewives of the past used a variety of methods and household products to get rid of stains before the advent of modern stain removers and washing machines.  They couldn't rely on modern detergents, so they had to use other solutions.

Kate Yakimchuk history stains tips Helpful tips 25 August 2023
washing powder

Using the right amount of detergent is crucial to ensuring that your laundry comes out clean and fresh.  If you're not using enough detergent, you might notice several signs that indicate your laundry isn't being cleaned effectively. 

Kate Yakimchuk detergent washing tips Helpful tips 22 August 2023
clothes line

It's easy to dry clothes when you have a drying machine, or if your house is big, but what if you live in a small apartment? Drying clothes in a small apartment can be a challenge, but with some creative solutions, you can effectively dry your clothes without taking up too much space. 

Kate Yakimchuk drying tips clothes Helpful tips 22 August 2023

Ironing clothes is a common household task that helps maintain a neat and polished appearance.  However, there are several ironing mistakes that, if not avoided, can potentially damage your clothes. 

Kate Yakimchuk ironing clothes mistakes Helpful tips 19 August 2023

Fabric conditioners are designed to soften and freshen laundry, making clothes feel more comfortable and pleasant to wear.  While there is generally no specific type of fabric conditioner exclusively labeled for black clothes versus colorful clothes, there are a few factors to consider when using fabric conditioner for different types of fabrics and colors.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes tips Helpful tips 16 August 2023

Often the berries leave stains on both colored and white clothes. In the article, we will tell you how to remove stains that do not wash off just like that.

Diana Dashkevich clothes clothing care washing lifehacks Helpful tips 15 August 2023