

Christmas decorations aren't present all the time – people usually use them for a month or a few weeks in winter, and then take them away. Meanwhile, if you have lots of them, then you should store them properly, so they won't break or create additional clutter.

Kate Yakimchuk christmas decorations home decor tips decoration House Design 26 January 2024

If you have kids, then you should do everything you can to keep your house safe for them. One of the most important things you should do is to keep your kids safe from various cleaning chemicals.

Kate Yakimchuk children safety cleaning solutions chemicals tips Helpful tips 4 January 2024

When cooking, we often make too much food, or leave too many ingredients – and it's not reasonable. If you accidentally made too much pizza dough, then you don't have to throw away the rest of it - you can perfectly store it!

Kate Yakimchuk pizza dough cooking tips food ideas Cooking 4 January 2024

In winter, you don't have to use your garden tools, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't take good care of them. To protect them from rust and damage, you should know a few tips on how to keep them safe.

Kate Yakimchuk garden tools gardening tips winter maintenance Garden 29 December 2023

In a small kitchen, it's often hard to find lots of places where you can store your appliances. But even if you have a small kitchen, you can still find enough storage space for everything you need - just be more creative!

Kate Yakimchuk functional storage kitchen appliances interior tips House Design 25 December 2023

If you want to use organic and safe mulch, then you can use hay - it's one of the oldest and the most natural options available. Meanwhile, it might be hard to store it in winter, so you can use it later, because of humidity, temperature shifts, and pests.

Kate Yakimchuk hay mulch mulching gardening tips winter Garden 22 December 2023

Most people have lots of shower accessories, and it's not always easy to keep them well-organized. Meanwhile, a well-organized shower is great, because it can help you keep your shower neat and clean.

Kate Yakimchuk bathroom supplies shower accessories organization ideas Helpful tips 22 December 2023

Organization and storage matter, and you also have to make sure that important papers are safe and well-organized. To feel secure and confident, you should find a good place to keep your important documents.

Kate Yakimchuk papers tips important papers safety Helpful tips 21 December 2023

Modern people have lots of small electronic appliances that they can use in their bathrooms - hair dryers, hair straighteners, and lots of other things. We all know that electronics dislike humidity, so how can you make sure that both you and your appliances are safe?

Kate Yakimchuk electrical appliances bathroom supplies safety tips House Design 14 December 2023

You don't need your winter clothes in summer, and vice versa - so you should organize your clothes wisely. One of the best things you can do for your wardrobe is to sort your clothes by seasons and store them separately - it's convenient!

Kate Yakimchuk clothes seasons tips Helpful tips 23 November 2023

There are plenty of kinds of cheese you can find these days - it's like a true haven for foodies! Meanwhile, if you buy different kinds of cheese, then you should know how you should and shouldn't store it to keep it fresh for a long time.

Kate Yakimchuk cheese food Cooking 17 November 2023

When you cook meat, it's easy to cook way too much at once and not be able to eat it on time. To make sure your meat is fresh and safe, you should store it correctly, so you can eat it later.

Kate Yakimchuk meat tips Cooking 16 November 2023

Every person who cleans their house regularly has plenty of chemicals and cleaning detergents, and sometimes it's hard to find a storage place for them. Most people store these items in bathrooms, but what if your bathroom is too small to put a special cabinet for all these supplies?

Kate Yakimchuk chemicals bathroom tips Helpful tips 10 November 2023

If you rent a small apartment, then you probably don't have much space for storage - and it can be quite frustrating. You can't remodel your rented apartment to add storage space, so you have to do other things that can help you store your items effectively.

Kate Yakimchuk interior apartment tips House Design 9 November 2023

Bathrooms are always full of labels because of all the shampoos, shower gels, and conditioners you store there. Different tube designs can clash and make your batroom less visually appealing, but you can fix it!

Kate Yakimchuk bathroom supplies tips House Design 7 November 2023

You can always collect and store some seeds from your garden to plant them later - that's how you can multiply your plants easily. This method works only if you prepare your seeds well, so they won't get destroyed in the process.

Kate Yakimchuk seeds gardening germination Garden 7 November 2023

One of the most effective ways to keep your food fresh for a long time is to freeze it - but you need suitable containers for that. Some containers aren't made for that - they can become fragile, or they won't protect your food properly.

Kate Yakimchuk containers freezing freezer food Cooking 6 November 2023

If you prefer stocking up on food instead of buying it regularly, then you should buy lots of potatoes in advance. The best thing about this vegetable is that it can be stored for a pretty long time in suitable conditions.

Kate Yakimchuk food stocking tips Cooking 4 November 2023
paper bags

While plastic bags are transparent and more durable, paper bags can also be quite beneficial for food storage. No wonder so many grocery shops offer paper bags instead of plastic ones - they can be great too!

Kate Yakimchuk food containers tips Cooking 3 November 2023

Modern people don't iron their clothes too often - they simply don't always have time for it. Therefore, it's easier to store your clothes properly, so they won't get any wrinkles.

Kate Yakimchuk clothes hangers wrinkles Helpful tips 3 November 2023