

Dogs are intelligent and sociable creatures, so they have lots of ways of communication with people. For instance, when they don't want to get into trouble, they can lie - but how do they learn that?

Kate Yakimchuk dogs training intelligence pet owners behavior Animals 26 December 2023
couple talking

Most people have heard of white lies - a controversial concept that is useful for some people but unacceptable for others. While the main idea of this thing is that it's usually harmless, it's still better to avoid it.

Kate Yakimchuk communication personality Psychology 25 September 2023
masked person

People tend to say "sorry" when they do something wrong, but it doesn't always mean they actually regret what they've done. It's not always easy to spot the difference, or to understand the signs that the person is lying, but why do they even do that?

Kate Yakimchuk personality apologies Psychology 22 September 2023