

Being an originally Italian food, pizza is now extremely popular all over the world, including the USA. While traveling all over the world, the recipe has been changed a few times, so different regions present completely different types of pizza.

Kate Yakimchuk italian cuisine american cuisine food differences Cooking 28 January 2024

If you love pizza, then you don't have to order it – just cook it by yourself! The basic part of the dish is dough, and it plays a huge role in how tasty the pizza is going to be.

Kate Yakimchuk pizza dough cooking ideas dough recipe Cooking 5 January 2024

Even the simplest dish like pizza can become unique and amazing when you use unusual toppings.  This dish is perfect for creative people, because there are so many topping combinations you can try!

Kate Yakimchuk pizza toppings cooking tips food ideas Cooking 30 November 2023
pizza cheese

Adding cheese to a dish can enhance its flavor, texture, and overall appeal.  The ideal time to add cheese depends on the type of dish you're preparing and the specific cheese you're using. 

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips cheese pasta Cooking 24 July 2023

Margherita" is a pizza that many people adore. The dish is suitable even for a holiday or a magnificent feast.

Diana Dashkevich food recipe facts Cooking 4 June 2023

Margherita is one of the classic pizzas. The dish was invented over a century ago in Italy.

Diana Dashkevich food history facts Cooking 22 May 2023