Why do people cheat in happy relationships, according to psychologists

25.06.2024 01:00

Sometimes people cheat even when the relationship seems strong and happy.

Why do people cheat in happy relationships

Sometimes people cheat when they have low self-esteem.

They seek recognition from the outside, attention from new people in order to feel more confident.

Even in a happy relationship, a person may feel unattractive and have problems with low self-esteem.

Their sense of self does not depend on their partner’s opinion.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Flirting or attention from other people can make a person feel more confident.

In addition, cheating may be associated with changes in libido in a relationship.

For example, when the partners’ libidos do not match.

Then a person may have a desire to satisfy his needs on the side.

According to research, new experiences trigger the release of dopamine, a hormone that is responsible for feelings of pleasure and motivation.

In a long-term relationship, there may be a lack of novelty.

Therefore, cheating can satisfy a person’s need for new experiences and emotions.

In addition, people whose families have experienced this are more likely to cheat.

This means that in families where parents cheated on their partner, children may follow this example in the future.

Previously, we told you what neurosis is.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource