Puppies often bite people's hands and clothes. Bites can occur for various reasons.
Diana Dashkevich puppies animals and pets pets facts dogs Animals 16 June 2024It is important to be able to socialize puppies. Socialization is a vital part of your pet's future happiness.
Diana Dashkevich animals and pets pets facts puppies Animals 19 May 2024Puppies need training, so they can learn some good habits and avoid the unpleasant ones. For instance, if your puppy bites you (whether it's aggression or playfulness), then you have to stop it.
Kate Yakimchuk puppies dog aggression tips Animals 1 January 2024Usually puppies get used to a new place in 2-3 days. If possible, take a few days off or off work to be with your puppy.
Diana Dashkevich pets dogs puppies pets facts Animals 14 December 2023Being a pet owner, you're responsible for its mental and physical health, training, and happiness. To achieve all of these things, you should remember about socialization, and it's especially important for puppies of big breeds.
Kate Yakimchuk dog training pets dogs Animals 27 November 2023