Последние новости за 14 декабря 2023 года


Beautiful glass stovetops can stay beautiful only if you take good care of them and clean them regularly. While some cleaning solutions can be quite effective, they can also damage the beautiful surface of your stove.

Kate Yakimchuk scratches tips cleaning Helpful tips

Usually puppies get used to a new place in 2-3 days. If possible, take a few days off or off work to be with your puppy.

Диана Дашкевич pets dogs puppies puppy training pets facts Animals

Чтобы мед долго сохранял свои полезные свойства, с ним нужно правильно обращаться.

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Minimalistic black-and-white interiors can be extremely stylish, but they can also feel cold and uninviting. If you want your interior to be cozy and welcoming, then you should add details and textures - that's easy!

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips home decor coziness ideas House Design

Deep sleep is one of the stages of slow-wave sleep. Sleep is a heterogeneous state.

Диана Дашкевич mental health health sleep sleep patterns facts Psychology

При негативном сценарии курс доллара к российскому рублю в следующем году может вырасти до 105-110 рублей за единицу, полагает финансовый аналитик Даниил Болотских.

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A healthy cat's nose should be cool and moist. However, a dry and warm nose does not always signal that something is wrong with the animal.

Диана Дашкевич pets cats pets facts animal care kittens Animals

Greenhouses can be extremely useful, and they're not just for fruits or vegetables - you can grow flowers there as well! The best thing about a greenhouse is that you can often do it yourself, and it will work amazingly.

Kate Yakimchuk garden flowers greenhouse gardening tips flowers planting Garden
Владимир Зеленский

По словам Грэма, администрация президента США Джозефа Байдена втянула Зеленского в межпартийную борьбу, чего тот пытался избежать.

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Стиральная машина

Белые пятна от дезодоранта портят вид черных вещей. При этом далеко не всегда обычная стирка помогает избавиться от проблемы. Тут нужны дополнительные меры.

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Apnea is a pause in breathing during sleep, leading to the absence or reduction of pulmonary ventilation.

Диана Дашкевич sleep sleep patterns mental health health facts Psychology