

Everyone knows that crows are visually similar, but still completely different birds. Not everyone can recognize crows and ravens, though – and that's why you need to know the main features that make them stand out.

Kate Yakimchuk crows bird facts wild nature birds Animals 11 January 2024

Not only parrots can imitate voices - some other birds can also do it quite well! For instance, ravens, the highly intelligent birds, can imitate voices amazingly when they live next to people.

Kate Yakimchuk speech adaptation wild nature bird facts Animals 20 December 2023

Ravens tend to be one of the most intelligent and exciting birds that you can see not only outdoors, but also in myths and legends. Ravens also tend to have lots of myths about themselves, and many people tend to believe them to be true.

Kate Yakimchuk birds myths Animals 20 November 2023

Ravens are smart, beautiful, and often funny birds, but all these things don't make them great pets. It's quite easy to understand why so many people would like to have one as their pet friend, but it's better to appreciate them in the wild.

Kate Yakimchuk birds pets Animals 1 November 2023

Not only parrots can imitate human voices - crows and ravens can do it as well. Sometimes they imitate voices so well, that it even sounds scary.

Kate Yakimchuk crows birds wild animals Animals 9 June 2023