Nature is amazing: Crows and ravens – what's the difference?

11.01.2024 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Everyone knows that crows are visually similar, but still completely different birds.

Not everyone can recognize crows and ravens, though – and that's why you need to know the main features that make them stand out.

Here are a few tips on what you should pay your attention to.



Ravens are noticeably larger than crows. 

A raven can measure up to 24 inches long, about the size of a hawk, while crows are typically around 17 inches in length, similar to a pigeon.


Ravens have a more robust and heavyset appearance compared to crows. 

They possess shaggy feathers around their throat, forming a distinctive "beard" or "mane" appearance. 

In contrast, crows have smoother feathers around their necks.


Pay attention to their tail shape. Ravens have a wedge-shaped tail, which appears long and pointed. 

On the other hand, crows have a fan-shaped tail that is more squared-off at the end.


Listen to their vocalizations. Ravens emit a deep, resonant croaking sound that is often described as a low "kronk" or "gronk." 

In contrast, crows produce a higher-pitched cawing sound, typically heard as a repeated "caw-caw."


Observe their flight patterns. Ravens tend to soar and glide more frequently, displaying graceful aerial movements. 

Crows, on the other hand, have a quicker and more fluttery flight style.


Ravens are known for their playful nature. They engage in aerial acrobatics, performing impressive flips and dives. 

Additionally, ravens are clever and have been observed using tools and playing games. 

Crows, while also intelligent, tend to exhibit more sociable behavior, often gathering in larger groups called "murders."

Previously, we talked about unusual nests.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Size
  2. Appearance
  3. Shape
  4. Sound
  5. Flight
  6. Behavior