

From all animals, snakes seem to be quite alike – these serpents only seem to have different sizes and colors. Meanwhile, snakes can also be amazing, because of their unique features and abilities.

Kate Yakimchuk snakes animal facts nature wild animals Animals 27 January 2024

You've probably heard about the amazing ability of lizards to grow new tails, or even witnessed it in real life. While not all lizards can do it, this amazing ability has always been surrounded by many myths and misconceptions.

Kate Yakimchuk animal facts animal adaptation Animals 25 January 2024

Frogs are often surrounded by myths and misconceptions - mostly because people don't know much about them. Some people find them repulsive because they're reptiles, others avoid them because they think that they are dangerous.

Kate Yakimchuk frogs myths wildlife Animals 20 November 2023

Reptiles are different from mammals, so it's often hard to understand what they think or feel. Meanwhile, there are still some signs that can help you understand that your pet lizard is ill.

Kate Yakimchuk lizards pets health Animals 9 November 2023

Snake venom can be extremely useful in medicine, and that's why people have to collect it somehow - and it's not an easy thing. Therefore, it can be extremely expensive - but is it the only reason for it to be so pricey?

Kate Yakimchuk snakes poison wildlife Animals 16 September 2023

Crested geckos are low maintenance and relatively easy to care for, according to My Crested Gecko, a website dedicated to information and care for geckos. Thorough cleaning of their terrarium is required only once a month, and they need to be fed only every other day. At home, eublefaras can live for quite a long time - up to 10 years.

Diana Dashkevich pets animal facts pets facts Animals 31 July 2023

Even the most dangerous species sometimes need protection. The University of Queensland has achieved a momentous breakthrough with the development of a vaccine that safeguards farmed saltwater crocodiles against the West Nile virus. 

Kate Yakimchuk research Animals 28 July 2023

Pet reptiles, like any other animal, do not experience emotions or form attachments to their owners in the same way that mammals such as dogs or cats do.  Your dog or your cat can be visibly happy to see and communicate with you, but reptiles seem not to care about you at all.

Kate Yakimchuk pets facts pets lizards Animals 1 July 2023

While most people can easily imagine a snake and how it moves, most people haven't actually seen it closely. When you take a closer look, you understand that a snake's body moves in an absolutely unique way.

Kate Yakimchuk snakes animal facts Animals 24 June 2023