Crested geckos are low maintenance and relatively easy to care for, according to My Crested Gecko, a website dedicated to information and care for geckos. Thorough cleaning of their terrarium is required only once a month, and they need to be fed only every other day. At home, eublefaras can live for quite a long time - up to 10 years.
What do geckos like
A necessary condition for the normal maintenance of geckos in a terrarium is the breeding of insects at home, which feed on reptiles. Mealworm, crickets, and cockroaches are the most affordable lizard foods.
Adult individuals are also happy to eat young mice, lizards, and do not disdain plant foods: apple, pumpkin, watermelon, grapes.

What should be in a gecko terrarium
The terrarium should have a humid chamber. This is a small container where the gecko will go to molt or sleep. As a filler, use vermiculite or thick absorbent wipes. A wet chamber is placed in a warm or cold zone - as your pet likes it best.
Do I need to bathe a gecko
It is possible, but not necessary, unless it is required in extreme cases. Eublefars are semi-desert reptiles, they do not need humidity in the main terrarium, but a warm, humid chamber is a must.