

Parrots tend to be one of the most social birds - they even keep this habit when being kept as pets! In nature, parrots tend to live in groups, and they constantly socialize and communicate.

Kate Yakimchuk parrots bird facts pets facts wildlife Animals 20 December 2023

Being a pet owner, you're responsible for its mental and physical health, training, and happiness. To achieve all of these things, you should remember about socialization, and it's especially important for puppies of big breeds.

Kate Yakimchuk dog training puppy training pets dogs Animals 27 November 2023

If you have a domestic cat, then you might think that it doesn't need socialization - unline dogs, cats aren't seen as social animals. Meanwhile, they actually need some sort of socialization to learn some basic cat skills and be more confident around other animals and people.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats personality Animals 17 October 2023