

Wax candles can add lots of coziness and warmth to your interior - they have an amazing smell, and they are natural and eco-friendly as well. Meanwhile, candle wax can stain your furniture, and it can be quite problematic to use them regularly - so what can you do?

Kate Yakimchuk candles interior decoration tips House Design 7 October 2023
candle wax

Wax isn't just for candles - you can also use it for many purposes in housekeeping and cleaning. If you want to make your cleaning and maintenance easier for you, then use wax.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips Helpful tips 30 September 2023

Wax candles are beautiful - they are perfect for creating a special atmosphere and fill the room with gentle fragrance. Meanwhile, wax stains can be pretty hard to get rid of - especially if you don't know a few tricks.

Kate Yakimchuk stains tips clothes Helpful tips 12 September 2023