Interior decor elements that are out of fashion: Don't bring them into your new modern house

17.07.2023 22:11
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Interior decor trends are constantly evolving, and certain elements that were popular in the past may now be considered out of fashion. 

You can always use them if you love them, but they can also make your house feel a bit old-fashioned and tired.

Here are a few interior decor elements that have fallen out of favor.

Shag Carpeting

Shag carpeting, popular in the 1970s, has lost its appeal in contemporary interior design. 

It has been replaced by more practical and low-pile carpeting or hard flooring options like hardwood, laminate, or tile.

woman posing

Wallpaper Borders

Wallpaper borders, which were once used extensively to add decorative accents to walls, have become outdated. 

Current trends lean towards more clean and simplistic wall treatments like solid colors, textured paint, or wallpaper in a full-wall application.

Popcorn Ceilings

Popcorn or textured ceilings were popular in the past, but they have fallen out of favor in modern design. 

Smooth and sleek ceilings are preferred, as they create a more modern and clean aesthetic.

Brass Fixtures

Brass fixtures, such as doorknobs, faucets, and light fixtures, were widely used in the past but are now considered outdated. 

Many people now prefer fixtures with finishes like brushed nickel, stainless steel, or matte black for a more contemporary look.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Shag Carpeting
  2. Wallpaper Borders
  3. Popcorn Ceilings
  4. Brass Fixtures