
potato soup

Mashed potatoes are perfect for cooking plenty of delicious and nutritious dishes because of their structure and taste. Mashed potato soup is one of the best comfort foods for cold fall months, and you can make it ever better when cooking it.

Kate Yakimchuk food soup recipe cooking Cooking 11 October 2023
mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes is a simple and delicious dish, and it can be your comfort food for cold fall months. If regular mashed potatoes seem too boring to you, then you can always make the recipe more creative!

Kate Yakimchuk recipe ideas cooking Cooking 9 October 2023

Even people who don't particularly like vegetables tend to like potatoes - and it's pretty hard not to! They are versatile and suitable for many dishes, so you can enjoy them in plenty of great recipes.

Kate Yakimchuk food cooking ideas Cooking 6 October 2023

There's no use in a huge potato harvest if you can't store it properly - so you should organize your storage really well! To make sure your potatoes will last before you eat them, you need to provide perfect storage conditions and maintain them.

Kate Yakimchuk harvest storage tips Garden 23 September 2023
potato plant

If you love potatoes and have a garden, then you should definitely try growing them on your own - it's relatively easy and quite beneficial. So, it's time to prepare your garden for potato planting - what should you do?

Kate Yakimchuk planting gardening tips Garden 13 September 2023

There's a reason why potatoes are better stored in dark and cool places. Potatoes can be stored at room temperature for a certain period, but it's important to note that they have a limited shelf life when not stored under specific conditions. 

Kate Yakimchuk vegetables storage Cooking 3 September 2023
potato plant

Over the past 50 years, several significant changes have occurred in the way potatoes are grown due to advancements in agricultural practices, technology, and environmental awareness.  These changes have aimed to improve yield, sustainability, and efficiency in potato cultivation. 

Kate Yakimchuk plants gardening Garden 28 August 2023

In fact, purple potatoes have been around for quite some time, and some wild potatoes have also been purple. This color of the pulp is obtained due to the high content of anthocyanins. According to scientific studies, in purple potatoes, they are seven times more than in ordinary ones.

Diana Dashkevich vegetables gardening plants tips Garden 18 August 2023

Properly storing potatoes can help extend their shelf life and prevent them from spoiling or sprouting prematurely. If you like storing lots of potatoes, you need to know how to keep them fresh and firm.

Kate Yakimchuk storage food tips Cooking 11 August 2023
baked potatoes

Have you ever had problems with balking potatoes in the oven? Potatoes are relatively easy to cook, but some mistakes can affect the texture and the taste of your dish.

Kate Yakimchuk oven mistakes cooking Cooking 30 July 2023

Potato is a vegetable that is versatile in cooking. In the article you will learn about the health benefits of the product.

Diana Dashkevich food vegetables health facts studies Cooking 12 July 2023
potato sprouts

Different plants need different approaches in gardening, and potatoes are no exception. While it's not necessary to sprout potatoes before planting them, it can actually benefit your yield a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk planting sprouts gardening tips Garden 9 July 2023

When you have good soil, everything grows well, and every harvest makes you happy. But if you want to have good yield of potatoes on poor soil, you need to work a bit harder to achieve great results.

Kate Yakimchuk planting soil gardening tips Garden 8 July 2023

One of the most important characteristics of fried potatoes is the crunch and golden crust. In the article we will tell you why it may not come out.

Diana Dashkevich cooking tips lifehacks Cooking 27 June 2023
baked potatoes

While young potatoes tend to require less cooking time, their texture often makes them taste undercooked. If you fail to make your bakes potatoes soft and tasty, then it's probably because of one of the following reasons.

Kate Yakimchuk baked potatoes young potatoes cooking mistakes Cooking 23 June 2023
potato flower

In most cases, flowers on your plants are great, but potatoes are different. Removing flowers from potato plants actually helps your harvest.

Kate Yakimchuk flowers gardening tips Garden 22 June 2023

Potatoes are full of carbohydrates, so lots of people assume that it's better to avoid them completely while dieting. In fact, potatoes aren't even that bad: they can be perfect for people following healthy and low-calorie diets, but only if you cook them properly.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food healthy diet nutrition Cooking 21 June 2023

Potatoes are a healthy source of plant compounds with protective antioxidant effects. The flesh of potatoes contains carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are useful if a person has certain eye diseases.

Diana Dashkevich food health vitamins facts Cooking 20 June 2023
potato plants

People love potatoes because of how versatile and nutritious they are, and it's also cheap to grow in by yourself. At the same time, if you don't know how to grow it properly, your potatoes can be tiny.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips planting Garden 17 June 2023

Gardeners often plant a lot of potatoes, and sometimes it can be quite difficult to harvest and maintain a crop. If you do not have plans to sell most of the crop, then you need to know how to store it properly.

Kate Yakimchuk food storage harvest gardening tips Garden 13 June 2023