

Recognizing and addressing sleep deprivation can help you avoid the mental, physical, and safety risks that sleep deprivation can cause.

Diana Dashkevich sleep mental health Psychology 8 November 2023

Not working doesn't always mean relaxing - that's the sad truth lots of adults have to understand. If you feel like your weekends seem to just pass by, and you still feel tired, then it's time to change something.

Kate Yakimchuk relaxation tiredness Psychology 6 November 2023
tea cup

Even though tea often contains caffeine, it can be quite different - so some sorts of tea can be quite relaxing. If you are constantly stressed or nervous, then a relaxing cup of tea can be quite handy - you just need to pick the perfect tea sort.

Kate Yakimchuk tea health relaxation Cooking 30 October 2023

Lots of people mention that their appetite changes when they're  stressed, upset, or depressed - it's a pretty common thing. While some people basically can't eat when something is wrong, others tend to overeat, trying to cope with their feelings.

Kate Yakimchuk appetite overeating nutrition Cooking 27 October 2023

Stress occurs when you are faced with a problem or demand in life that results in physical or emotional tension.

Diana Dashkevich health mental health Psychology 26 October 2023

A person with an eating disorder may become obsessed with losing weight, checking their weight or body shape, and controlling their eating habits.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 23 October 2023

In fact, one in five people experience a panic attack at least once in their life.

Diana Dashkevich mental health advices Psychology 23 October 2023

Researchers have uncovered a significant link between stress in the brain and inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract using animal models. They identified that glial cells supporting neurons transmit these stress signals from the central nervous system straight to the GI tract's enteric nervous system.

Kate Yakimchuk research health inflamation Psychology 21 October 2023

Some people believe that trigger warnings can help others get ready for or avoid seeing things that might remind them of a past painful experience.  However, a study in the journal Clinical Psychological Science suggests that these warnings might not do that job very well. 

Kate Yakimchuk research triggers anxiety Psychology 17 October 2023

People who regularly engage in self-sabotage create obstacles for themselves that often affect their quality of life and self-esteem.

Diana Dashkevich work career mental health Psychology 16 October 2023

Fight, flight, freeze and fawning are all common responses to stress.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 16 October 2023
sad man

A new study explores how chronic stress can affect our behavior and lead to problems like depression and reduced interest in things we usually enjoy.  The researchers focused on a group of neurons in the brain called proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons.

Kate Yakimchuk research depression brain Psychology 15 October 2023

Specialists conducted a study on the link between chronic stress, mild cognitive impairment, and also Alzheimer's disease. They discovered that people diagnosed with chronic stress had higher risks to be later diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's.

Kate Yakimchuk research alzheimer depression brain Psychology 15 October 2023

People often associate discrimination and social issues with extremely thin people, but it's often far from reality. A new study shows that discrimination often leads to obesity because of stress response and comfort food.

Kate Yakimchuk research obesity brain discrimination Psychology 14 October 2023

Anxiety is a common problem in today's society. Below are some effective methods for dealing with anxiety.

Diana Dashkevich anxiety mental health tips Psychology 14 October 2023

It's hard to work under pressure even if you really love your job. A new study from the University of Missouri explains why many teachers in the United States are feeling stressed and leaving their jobs. 

Kate Yakimchuk research teaching job work Psychology 12 October 2023
pregnant woman

We all know that stress can be dangerous, but how dangerous can it be for people who aren't even born yet? New research looked at how a mom's stress during pregnancy can affect a baby's brain development.

Kate Yakimchuk research pregnancy Psychology 12 October 2023

According to scientists, modern lifestyles have deprived most people of the ability to physically connect with the Earth, and the result has been physiological dysfunction and disease. Nevertheless, by finding ways to reconnect with the Earth, people can help their bodies heal.

Diana Dashkevich mental health relax relaxation Psychology 9 October 2023

In one study, more than 50% of participants reported having two or more financial stressors.

Diana Dashkevich mental health finances Psychology 9 October 2023

Humans are subtle emotional creatures, so our feelings and emotions are tightly connected to everything in our bodies. Therefore, it's no surprise that we often feel completely exhausted after being stressed out for a while.

Kate Yakimchuk exhaustion depression Psychology 9 October 2023