

Sometimes you can spot the signs that your partner actually wants to end the relationship.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts relationship Psychology 22 May 2024

Breakups can basically destroy you, but if you don't have time or opportunity to reflect on your emotions, then you can suppress them. Meanwhile, suppression your emotions and feelings, especially the tough ones, isn't a great thing for your mental health.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship feelings emotions love Psychology 25 November 2023

People may come back to their ex-partners who treated them badly for various reasons, even though it may not be the healthiest choice.  When it's one of your friends, it might be hard to watch them making the same mistakes again, but you usually can't do anything.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship love ex-partners Psychology 6 August 2023

Whether to stay or not to stay friends with an ex-partner is a personal decision that depends on various factors.  While some individuals may find it possible and beneficial to maintain a friendship with an ex, others may prefer to create distance and move on separately. 

Kate Yakimchuk ex-partners relationship friendship Psychology 17 July 2023