

Envy is something that every person has encountered. However, it is not always clear how to react to this.

Diana Dashkevich mental health communication work communication Psychology 19 May 2024

There is life outside of the relationship and that’s normal. In this article, we will talk about friendship when you are in a romantic relationship.

Diana Dashkevich relationship mental health psychologist tips communication Psychology 3 March 2024

Not everyone who claims to be our friend is actually our friend – but sometimes it takes us too long to recognize it. While some people can hide their true intentions well, there are usually hints that can help you understand what they actually mean.

Kate Yakimchuk fake friends relationship self care tips Psychology 6 January 2024

Even the closest friends can sometimes move far away – but it doesn't mean that you have to stop being friends with them. While it's generally harder to be friends with people who are far away from you, it's still possible, so you should work on it.

Kate Yakimchuk communication long distance in touch friends Psychology 6 January 2024

Good social skills can help you a lot in life - both in terms of professional growth and basic communication with peers and friends. If you're not really social, then you can develop these skills, but it's important to find a good balance between being social and annoying.

Kate Yakimchuk communication social status social skills relationship Psychology 24 December 2023

When you're a kid or a teen, it's relatively easy for you to find new friends, because you're always surrounded by other kids like you. Meanwhile, it's way harder for adults to actually find new friends, especially when they can't become friends with their colleagues.

Kate Yakimchuk friends adulthood tips Psychology 26 November 2023

Have you ever met people who start calling you their best friend too quickly? While some people actually make friends very easily, it can also be quite surprising, or even alarming.

Kate Yakimchuk obsession signs Psychology 23 November 2023

Friendships and relationships are important for everyone's strong mental and even physical health at any age. Meanwhile, lots of people feel like they don't need their friends that much when they get older.

Kate Yakimchuk friends maturity personality Psychology 20 November 2023

One of the basic emotions that lots of people have is jealousy, and it's not always bad - at least, it motivates people to try harder. Meanwhile, it can also be destructive for people's relationships, and especially friendships.

Kate Yakimchuk jealousy relationship signs Psychology 19 November 2023

Nowadays, some people use AI technologies to generate messages they then send to their friends and partners when they can't find the right words. While this approach seemed to be easy and effective at first, it seems that it can actually destroy your relationships.

Kate Yakimchuk research relationship Psychology 13 November 2023
dog owner

If you feel lonely and need more friends, then get a dog - it can change your life! A dog itself can become your closest friend, but it can also help you make friends easier.

Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs owners loneliness Animals 3 November 2023

We love our friends, so we want to make great gifts for them - it sounds great, right? Well, sometimes expensive gifts can only do harm, so you can accidentally make your relationships worse.

Kate Yakimchuk gifts presents friends Psychology 22 October 2023
angry cat

If your neighbor has an aggressive cat, or your own new cat seems to be not exactly friendly, it can be pretty heartbreaking for a keen cat lover. Luckily, you can change the situation and befriend this aggressive cat - you just need to be patient and caring, no pressure or hurry.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats aggression tips Animals 1 October 2023

Adults meet and keep friends differently than kids or teenagers - it depends on their level of maturity, goals, and lack of free time to meet often. Meanwhile, adult friendship can be extremely stable, supportive, and generally great - but only when your friends are emotionally mature.

Kate Yakimchuk friends tips communication Psychology 23 September 2023

There are about the same percentage of introverts and extroverts among people. However, introversion is more often preferred to be hidden, because today's society is set up for extroverts. That being said, most people are capable of exhibiting introvert and extrovert modes, depending on the current environment.

Diana Dashkevich communication personality Psychology 28 August 2023
poor man

People don't like feeling worse or less successful than their friends, and it's even more important in adolescence. Young individuals who perceive themselves as coming from lower socioeconomic backgrounds than their peers tend to experience lower self-esteem and a higher likelihood of being bullied, according to a study from the University of Cambridge. 

Kate Yakimchuk research money depression Psychology 27 August 2023

It's sometimes hard to say "no" to colleagues and neighbors, but it's even hearder to say it to friends. If you find it difficult to say "no" to a friend, it's important to navigate the situation in a respectful and assertive manner while still maintaining the integrity of your own boundaries. 

Kate Yakimchuk boundaries personality tips Psychology 27 August 2023
pet owner

The deep connection between pets and their owners is a complex interplay of emotional, psychological, and physiological factors.  This bond forms for various reasons and has been observed across cultures and throughout history. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets owners connection Animals 26 August 2023

Supporting your friend doesn't always require finding the perfect words.  In many cases, your actions can help way better than anything you can say.

Kate Yakimchuk support friends tips Psychology 21 August 2023

We all need friends in our darkest days, and it's extremely hard to cope with losses on your own. Helping a friend cope with loss can be a compassionate and supportive gesture during a difficult time. 

Kate Yakimchuk support friends loss Psychology 21 August 2023