

When looking for nice and durable countertops, you should pay attention to many things, not just design. Good countertops can last for years, or even decades, so it's an important investment.

Kate Yakimchuk choosing materials interior House Design 26 November 2023
plastic countertop

If you have plastic countertops, then you need to take good care of them, so they can last you for many years. While being cheap, light, and water-resistant, plastic can be prone to other types of damage that often occurs in the kitchen.

Kate Yakimchuk plastic materials cleaning maintenance Helpful tips 12 October 2023

Wooden countertops look amazing and expensive, but laminated wooden countertops may also have some benefits. Faux wooden kitchen countertops, also known as laminate or engineered wood countertops, are easier to clean than real wooden ones due to several key reasons.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning materials Helpful tips 4 August 2023