Choosing kitchen countertops from different collections: Customer's guide

26.11.2023 07:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

When looking for nice and durable countertops, you should pay attention to many things, not just design.

Good countertops can last for years, or even decades, so it's an important investment.

Here are a few tips that can help you choose the best from what you have.

Look at Colors

Check out the colors in each collection. Think about what color will match your kitchen. 

Some people like bright colors, while others prefer neutral tones.


Feel the Texture

Touch the countertops to feel their texture. Some may be smooth, while others have a more textured feel. 

Choose the one that feels good to you and matches your kitchen style.

Consider Patterns

See if the countertops have any patterns. Some have subtle designs, while others may be more bold. 

Choose a pattern that you find pleasing and fits your kitchen theme.

Think About Durability

Consider how durable the countertops are. 

You want something that can handle daily kitchen activities without getting easily scratched or damaged.

Check for Stains

Think about how easily the countertops might stain. Some materials are more stain-resistant than others. 

If you cook a lot, you'll want something that's easy to clean.

Match with Cabinets

Make sure the countertops go well with your kitchen cabinets. You want a combination that looks harmonious together.

Set a Budget

Decide on a budget for your countertops. 

Different collections may have various price ranges, so it's good to know how much you're willing to spend.

Get Samples

If possible, ask for samples from different collections. 

Bring them home to see how they look in your kitchen's lighting. This can help you make a final decision.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Look at Colors
  2. Feel the Texture
  3. Consider Patterns
  4. Think About Durability
  5. Check for Stains
  6. Match with Cabinets
  7. Set a Budget
  8. Get Samples