

The white rhinoceros is the largest representative of the rhinoceros family. Inhabitant of savannas and woodlands. This is a huge mammal - the weight of old males reaches 4-4.5 tons.

Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature wildlife wild animals Animals 11 January 2024

Hypochondria is an excessive concern about one’s own health, manifested in increased suspiciousness, the perception of any ordinary sensations as manifestations of a dangerous and serious illness.

Diana Dashkevich health mental health health facts Psychology 10 January 2024

Elephants are natural eco-warriors and carbon sequesters, so protecting their populations is vital for both the environment and the species.

Diana Dashkevich wild animals nature wild nature animal facts Animals 10 January 2024

The role of insects in nature is the destruction of forest pests, pollination of most plants on Earth, and participation in the cycle of substances in nature.

Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature insects garden insects Animals 8 January 2024

The ancestor of the wild cow is considered to be the aurochs, which became extinct in the seventeenth century - a primitive wild bull that lived in the steppes of Africa, Asia and Europe. At first, the domestication of aurochs was carried out solely for the purpose of obtaining meat.

Diana Dashkevich cows animal facts fun facts Animals 5 January 2024

Antisocial personality disorder is more common among first-degree relatives (parents, siblings, and children) of people with the disorder than in the general population.

Diana Dashkevich mental health disorders psychologist tips health Psychology 5 January 2024

Borderline personality disorder is a type of personality disorder in which a person experiences periods of tension, unstable mood and behavior, and an altered "sense of self."

Diana Dashkevich mental health health psychologist tips psychotherapy Psychology 5 January 2024

Schizoid personality disorder (schizoid psychopathy) is a mental disorder characterized by a tendency toward isolation, immersion in the world of internal experiences, and a lack of emotional connections with others.

Diana Dashkevich mental health personality fun facts life Psychology 4 January 2024

If you want your pet to be healthy, then you should take care of its both physical and emotional health. Cats might not be as emotionally developed as humans, but they can also have some mental health issues.

Kate Yakimchuk cat health mental health pets behavior Animals 3 January 2024

The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog. It has the characteristic head of a collie, and the dog's body is slightly longer than its height. The ears are erect, but their tips droop, giving the Border Collie a lively and cheerful appearance.

Diana Dashkevich pets dogs pets facts dog breeds Animals 2 January 2024

Many people experience deja vu in their lives, or at least think that they experience it. This effect, which makes you feel like you've already seen some new things before, can be quite amazing.

Kate Yakimchuk deja vu brain activity science effects Psychology 1 January 2024

From many houseplants, a Money Tree is one of the most recognizable and popular plants. Its unusual name and specific appearance make it pretty popular, just like the myths surrounding it.

Kate Yakimchuk money tree plants garden plants nature Garden 31 December 2023

The first ants appeared 130 million years ago. These little ones are as ancient as dinosaurs.

Diana Dashkevich insects nature wild nature fun facts Animals 29 December 2023

Aphasia is the loss of speech functions that occurs due to damage to the speech center in the cerebral cortex. As a result, a person loses the ability to speak and/or listen to conversations, and in some cases, count, read or write.

Diana Dashkevich health mental health brain brain damage Psychology 29 December 2023

The medical name for loss of appetite is anorexia. But it should not be confused with anorexia nervosa - a mental illness, an eating disorder. A person with this diagnosis may feel hungry, but independently limits food intake.

Diana Dashkevich appetite health nutrition health facts nutrition facts Cooking 29 December 2023

Pets tend to shed - that's a part of their normal life, but sometimes they shed a bit too much. If you're a careful pet owner, then it might concern you, but it's not always about any health issues.

Kate Yakimchuk dog health shedding pet hair health Animals 29 December 2023

Autistic people maintain high concentration when performing monotonous work, do not become distracted, are attentive to detail, and may have extensive knowledge in an area of interest to them.

Diana Dashkevich mental health psychotherapy fun facts Psychology 28 December 2023

People with high intelligence suffer more often. It has been noted that up to 48% of people with OCD are single. In addition, it should be said that at the age of up to 65 years, this disorder was more often diagnosed in men, with the exception of the age period – 25-34. In general, however, men and women are affected approximately equally.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health psychologist tips psychotherapy Psychology 27 December 2023

The difference between psychological health and mental health mainly lies in the fact that mental health relates to individual mental processes and mechanisms, while psychological health relates to the individual as a whole and allows us to highlight the actual psychological aspect of the mental health problem.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health health facts fun facts Psychology 26 December 2023