

Introverted people prefer being on their own – it's one of the most commonly known facts about introverts that most people know. Meanwhile, seeking loneliness and privacy aren't the only key features that make introverts who they are.

Kate Yakimchuk social skills social bonds personality thoughts Psychology 7 January 2024

The concepts of introversion and extraversion, first introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung, have been adopted by several popular personality theories.

Diana Dashkevich personality facts Psychology 25 August 2023

It's easy to say that lonely people should just try harder to find someone, but it's not that simple. Psychologists claim that lonely individuals have some features that make it even harder for them to meet someone new.

Kate Yakimchuk personality relationship communication loneliness Psychology 7 June 2023

Introverts are often quieter, they often don't initiate conversations or seem to be excited around of many new people. At the same time, they can become amazing friends who truly value their close people.

Kate Yakimchuk personality friendship friends Psychology 1 June 2023