Maintaining Close Relationships: Frequency Isn't Everything

16.07.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Contrary to common belief, close friendships don't necessarily require frequent in-person meetings to thrive. 

You can meet some of your good friends pretty rarely, but still be able to maintain warm and close relationships.

Let's find out more.

Regular interactions aren't everything

While regular face-to-face interactions can certainly strengthen bonds, research suggests that the quality of the connection is more important than the quantity of time spent together. 

Meeting friends rarely but having amazing days and evenings spent together can make much more to your relationships and mental health.


Factors such as trust, shared values, emotional support, and effective communication play pivotal roles in sustaining close relationships. 

Internet helps a lot

In today's interconnected world, technology offers various means of staying connected, allowing friends to maintain their closeness even with less frequent physical meetups. 

It can help when some of your friends move away, or when you simply don't have enough time to meet regularly.

Ultimately, it's the depth of the connection, not the frequency of meetings, that truly keeps friendships strong.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Regular interactions aren't everything
  2. Internet helps a lot